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A Guide Book About Septum Piercing

Septum piercing is one type of body piercing that runs through the septum, which is the fleshy piece of cartilage that divides your two nostrils. It’s a pretty popular type of piercing these days, and there are lots of different styles and variations you can go with.

If you’re considering about getting a septum piercing, here’s everything you need to know about them!

What is Septum Piercing?

A septum piercing is a modification that involves puncturing a hole through the cartilage divider between the nostrils. It is one of the most prominent piercings, particularly among young people.

The septum piercing has a long history, dating back to ancient times when it was used as a symbol of status or power. In modern times, people get septum piercings for various reasons, including self-expression, aesthetics, and pain tolerance.

Septum piercings are relatively safe when done correctly by a professional piercer, but there is always a risk of infection or other complications. For this reason, you must carefully consider whether or not a septum piercing is small or big for you before deciding to go ahead with it.

What Is the Process of Getting a Septum Piercing?

Septum piercings have been around for centuries, and their popularity has only grown recently. If you’re considering getting a septum piercing, it’s essential to know the basics of the process.

The initial step is to find a qualified piercer. This is particularly important in septum piercings, as the cartilage is delicate, and there is a risk of damaging it if the piercing is not done correctly.

Once you have found a piercer, you can proceed with the process of septum piercings.

The area around the septum is numbed with a local anesthetic.

Afterward, a small hole is drilled through the septum, and a jewelry piece is inserted. The piercing is then checked for placement and symmetry before securing the jewelry.

Finally, the area is cleaned and dressed with a medicated ointment. The process takes about 30 minutes and can be done at most tattoo and piercing shops.

Septum piercings heal relatively quickly, and most people experience only minor discomfort during the healing process. With proper care, your new septum piercing will be a beautiful addition to your body art collection.

What Are the Risks of Getting a Septum Piercing? 

Concerning piercings, the septum is one of the most popular choices. But as with any type of body modification, there are risks involved.

The septum is the thin piece of cartilage that separates the nostrils, and piercing this area can result in bleeding, swelling, and pain. In some cases, the piercing may damage the tissue or cause an infection.

In rare instances, a septum piercing can also lead to a hole in the cartilage. This condition is known as a perforated septum and can cause serious health problems.

Considering getting a septum piercing, it’s essential to weigh the risks and benefits carefully. You should also consult a professional piercer to ensure the procedure is done safely and correctly.

What is the Cost to Have a Septum Piercing?

If you’ve ever been interested in getting a septum piercing, you may have wondered about the cost. Septum piercings are generally more expensive than other types, but the exact price can vary depending on your location and studio type.

Generally, you can expect to pay off between $40 and $90 for a septum piercing. The price may be higher if you have the piercing done at a prestigious studio or opt for a more intricate design.

However, several ways to save money on your septum piercing are also several ways. For example, many studios offer discounts for multiple piercings, so if you’re considering getting another piercing, it may be cheaper to get both done simultaneously.

Additionally, many studios offer loyalty programs that give you a discount on future piercings or other services.

So, if you’re considering getting a septum piercing, it’s worth researching to find the best deal. Septum piercings may cost slightly more than other types of piercings, but with careful planning, it’s possible to find a great deal.

What Are the Benefits of Having a Septum Piercing?

When most people think of a septum piercing, the first thing that comes to mind is the large metal ring that seems to dominate the nose. However, septum piercings can be quite versatile.

In addition to the traditional round, septum piercings can also be decorated with small hoops or studs. This type of piercing is also relatively easy to conceal if necessary. Here are five benefits of having a septum piercing:

1. Septum piercings are relatively low-maintenance. Unlike other facial piercings, septum piercings do not require regular cleaning or care. Simply having the area clean and free of dirt and debris is typically sufficient.

2. Septum piercings are not as painful as some people think. While discomfort is undoubtedly associated with this type of piercing, it is usually less intense than other types of piercings.

3. Septum piercings are relatively simple to heal. Most people recover from this piercing within a few weeks with no complications.

4. Septum piercings can be easily concealed if necessary. If you desire to hide your piercing for work or other reasons, simply wearing a small hoop or stud is typically sufficient.

5. Septum piercings are unique and stylish. This type of piercing is worth considering if you are looking for a way to stand out from the crowd, this type of piercing is worth considering.

How Do You Take Care of a Septum Piercing?

Septum piercings have become increasingly popular in recent years, but they still require a high level of care to ensure proper healing. The septum is the thin cartilage that divides the nostrils, and it contains a large number of blood vessels.

As a result, septum piercings can bleed heavily and take longer to heal than other types of body piercings. Here are some tricks for taking care of a septum piercing:

Clean the piercing twice a day with mild soap and water. Avoid using harsh cleaners or soaking the piercing in water, as this can irritate the tissue.

Apply a delicate layer of petroleum jelly or antibiotic ointment to the piercing 3-5 times per day. This will help to preserve the area clean and moist, promoting healing.

Avoid touching or playing with the piercing, as this can introduce bacteria and delay healing.

Choose jewelry made from surgical-grade steel, titanium, or gold. These materials are less likely to cause irritation or infection.

Following these simple tips can help your septum piercing heal quickly and without complications.

Typical Jewelry for Septum Piercing

Septum piercing has become increasingly popular recently, and it’s easy to see why. This type of piercing can add a touch of edge to any outfit, and it’s relatively simple to take care of.

When choosing jewelry for a septum piercing, the options are endless. However, there are a few common choices that are particularly popular.

The most common type of jewelry for septum piercings is a circular barbell, also known as a “ CBR.” This type of jewelry is simple to insert and remove, and it can be worn in a variety of different styles.

Captive bead rings are another popular option; they come in a wide range of colors and designs. Septum clickers are another popular choice, and they offer a unique look that is sure to turn heads. Whatever type of jewelry you choose, consult with your piercer to find the best option for you. Explore our collection of magnetic septum ring for those who want to adorn themselves with septum jewelry

Is It Painful to Get a Septum Piercing?

Septum piercing is said to be one of the minor painful piercings, but everyone’s pain tolerance is different.

Remember, the septum is the cartilage that divides your nostrils and contains nerve endings and blood vessels.

The needle pierces through the septum can cause bruising and swelling. Some people compare the sensation to getting a boxer’s nose and say it feels like an impact rather than a piercing.

Others say it feels like getting a sharp pinch. After the initial pain of the piercing subsides, you may feel a dull ache in your nose. This is typical and usually goes away after a few days.

To help reduce the pain and swelling, you can apply ice to your nose or take over-the-counter pain medication. You should also clean your piercing regularly with saline solution to prevent infection. With proper care, your septum piercing should heal within four to six weeks.


Septum piercings are unique and can add a lot of personality to your look, but they’re not for everyone.

If you’re considering getting one, do your research and ensure you know what you’re getting into.

We hope this guidebook has helped give you some insights about septum piercings. Have you had a septum piercing? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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